Splausky Family’s Journey to Israel

After three long years of waiting, the Splausky Family from Argentina finally decided to fulfill our lifelong dream and make Aliyah in July, 2020. Due to the current economic crisis in Argentina, they saw Israel as the obvious place to raise our family. They have three children and hope they will acclimate and flourish in their new homeland.

They have family in Israel and before moving to Israel, they visited the country as tourists and began to imagine what their life would look like. Both parents both grew up in Zionist households in Argentina and hoped that one day we would fulfill our lifelong dream and make Aliyah to Israel. 

The experience of living at the Sapir Absorption Center in Kiryat Yam. It was not the easiest time to make Aliyah during the Coronavirus pandemic but the staff at the absorption center were very helpful and catered to the family’s every need including providing the family with a food basket, a tablet to help the children with online learning and keep them entertained and a summer camp that the children participated in which was run by the absorption center staff in the summer.

The family is hopeful they will adapt to their new life in Israel and find jobs that will enable them to live a good life and provide for their family. The parent’s hope for their three children is that they will make their mark and thrive in their incredible new homeland.

Source: JAFI March 2021 Personal story of the Splausky Family from Argentina, new immigrants at the Sapir Absorption Center in Kiryat Yam.